Indicator(s) | Issue(s) | Date Issue Added |
Various | Many of the indicators require updates to, at minimum, reflect: - Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS) rather than the Mandatory Health Programs and Services Guidelines (MHPSG) - Change of data source and analysis checklist to reflect switch from the Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB) to IntelliHEALTH - Changes to other data sources These indicators are marked as "Needs Update" on the Core Indicators index page. | January 2012 |
All-Cause Hospitalization; Chronic disease hospitalization; Child and Adolescent Hospitalization; | Need to examine whether transers to acute care facilities should be excluded from counts of hospital separations to avoid double counting of those patients who were admitted to one hospital and then transferred to another (e.g. to a regional trauma hospital), and document in all hospitalization indicators. | January 2012 |
Frequency of Condom Use among those at Risk for STDs | Can no longer be calculated based on current CCHS. There was a discussion thread in APHEOLIST around this topic entitled "CCHS condom use question" in December 2011 which can be viewed by members on the APHEOLIST Archives. | January 2012 |
Age of Sexual Debut
| Age categories need to be updated for CCHS 2007 onwards. The questions from the SXB module were not asked to anyone outside of the 15–49 age category. | January 2012
Cancer Incidence Cancer Mortality | Age Ranges for Cancer Reporting: There was a discussion thread in April 2011 on APHEOLIST with respect to the logic in choosing age groups for cancer reporting. Based on the outcome of this discussion, the relevant indicators will be revised to include the age groups of CCO (0-14, 15-29, 30-49, 50-64, 65-79, 80+). A note will also be included that depending on type of cancer, different age groupings may be more appropriate. See APHEOlist post from Beth Theis on April 20, 2011 for more information on age group choices. | February 2012 |
Smoke-free Homes | The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Environmental Tobacco Smoke module 2009/2010 two year file contains an error in the skip pattern. Respondents that answered "no" to the question "....does anyone smoke inside your home every day or almost every day (i.e. ETS_Q10=2)?" were not asked ETS_Q35 "Is smoking allowed inside your home?". ETS_Q35 was coded as "6" (not applicable) for these respondents. In addition, these respondents were not asked questions about restricted smoking in the home (ETS_Q36 and ETS_Q37). Therefore, ETS_Q36 and ETS_Q37 were only asked of a small subset of respondents. This error was corrected for years 2011 and onward. (Variable names also changed: ETS_36 and ETS_37 replaced ETS_5 and ETS_6). | June 2012 |
OBSP Mammography | Consider dropping this indicator. This indicator was initially created because the Mandatory Health Programs had an objective related to mammography at OBSP-specific sites. The OPHS does not have this requirement and OBSP data are no longer available at a PHU-level from Cancer Care Ontario.
| August 2014 |
Screening Mammography | This indicator is to be updated with an additional data source from the Cancer System Quality Index (CSQI). See: For technical details, including definitions, data sources and methodologies, see:
| August 2014 |
Cervical Cancer Screening | This indicator is to be updated with an additional data source from the Cancer System Quality Index (CSQI). See: For technical details, including definitions, data sources and methodologies, see: | August 2014 |
Colorectal Cancer Screening | This indicator is to be updated with an additional data source from the Cancer System Quality Index (CSQI). See: For technical details, including definitions, data sources and methodologies, see: | August 2014 |