- Population
- Environment and Health
- Mortality, Morbidity and Health-Related Quality of Life
- Chronic Disease and Injuries
- Behaviour and Health
- Family Health
- Mental Health
- Infectious Diseases
- Use of Health Services
Indicator | Known Issue1 | Last Date Revised2 | Status3 | 1. Population | | | | Population by Age and Sex | | March 30, 2010 | | Population Growth | | May 2010 | | Projected Population Growth | | May 2014 | | Dependency Ratios | | April 8, 2011 | | Urban and Rural Population | | 2010 | Under Revision | Aboriginal Population | | May 22, 2014 | | Immigrant Population | | May 18, 2006 | Under Revision | Ethnic/Cultural Origin | | March 11, 2015 | | Mother Tongue | | April 17, 2015 | | Home Language | | March 3, 2014 | | Percent Who Cannot Speak English nor French | | May 18, 2006 | Under Revision | 2. Environment and Health | | | | 2A. Social Environment and Health | | | | Labour Force Indicators | | January 21, 2013 | | Low Income Rate | | July 17, 2013 | | Income Inequality / Median Share of Income | | July 25, 2013 | | Housing Affordability | | Jan 7, 2013 | | Lone-parent Families Download Word document for review | | July 17, 2013 | Under Revision | Living Arrangements for Seniors Download Word document for review | | May 23, 2006 | Under Revision | Education Level | | August 1, 2013 | | Food Insecurity (FRANÇAIS) | | January 4, 2011 | Under Revision | Cost of a Nutritious Food Basket (FRANÇAIS) | | June 15, 2009 | | Commuting Population | | July 23, 2014 | | Crime Rate - RETIRED | | January 21, 2013 | RETIRED | Sense of Community Belonging | | November 27, 2014 | | 2B. Physical Environment and Health | | | | Posted Bathing Beaches | | May 24, 2006 | Needs Update | Air Quality | | April 4, 2006 | Needs Update | Municipal Drinking Water Quality | | April 4, 2006 | Needs Update | Water Advisories | | May 24, 2006 | Needs Update | Private Well Water Testing | | May 24, 2006 | Needs Update | 2C. Built Environment and Health | | | | Population Density | | Created July 2010 | New | Land Use Mix | | December 24, 2012 | New | Proximity to Community Focal Point | | December 24, 2012 | New | Network Characteristics
| | October 23rd, 2013 | NEW | Traffic Calming Measures | | October 23rd, 2013 | NEW | Percentage of Posted Speed limits | | April, 2014 | Needs Review | 3. Mortality, Morbidity and Health-Related Quality of Life | | | | All-Cause Mortality (FRENCH indicator/ FRENCH reference document) | | Nov 30, 2010 | | Potentially Avoidable Mortality | | January 16, 2015 | New | Potential Years of Life Lost (75) | | June 1, 2006 | Needs Update | Life Expectancy | | June 7, 2006 | Needs Update | Health Expectancy | | June 7, 2006 | Needs Update | All-Cause Hospitalization (FRANÇAIS) | Yes | June 19, 2009 | Needs Update | Rate of Days of Hospitalization | | January 22, 2003 | Needs Update | Average Length of Stay | | January 07, 2003 | Needs Update | Self-Rated Health | | June 2, 2006 | Needs Update | Long-term Disability and Activity Restriction | | June 5, 2006 | Needs Update | Need for Assistance with Activities of Daily Living | | June 03, 2004 | Needs Update | 4. Chronic Disease and Injuries | | | | 4A. Chronic Diseases | | | | Chronic disease mortality (FRANÇAIS) | | October 23, 2013 | | Chronic disease hospitalization (FRANÇAIS) | | October 23, 2013 | | Chronic health problems prevalence (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | 4B. Cancer Incidence and Early Detection of Cancer | | | | Cancer Incidence (FRENCH indicator/ FRENCH reference document)) | | October 14, 2014 |
| Cancer Mortality (FRENCH indicator/ FRENCH reference document)) | | October 14, 2014 |
| OBSP Mammography (FRANÇAIS) | Yes | May 2009 | Needs Deleting | Screening Mammography (FRANÇAIS) | Yes | June 29, 2009 | Needs Update | Cervical Cancer Screening (FRANÇAIS) | Yes | June 29, 2009 | Needs Update | Colorectal Cancer Screening (FRANÇAIS) | Yes | June 29, 2009 | Needs Update | 4C. Injury Prevention and Substance Abuse Prevention | | | | Injury-Related Mortality | | November 15, 2012 | | Injury-Related Hospitalization | | November 15, 2012 | | Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits | | November 15, 2012 | | Fall-Related Mortality | | November 15, 2012 | | Fall-Related Hospitalization | | November 15, 2012 | | Fall-Related Emergency Department Visits | | November 15, 2012 | | Neurotrauma-Related Hospitalization | | November 15, 2012 | | Self-Reported Injury | | November 15, 2012 | | Illicit Drug Use | | November 15, 2012 | | Seat Belt Use | | November 15, 2012 | | Child Car Restraint Use | | November 15, 2012 | | Cell Phone Use and Text Messaging While Driving | | October 26, 2012 | | Motor Vehicle Traffic Collisions Injuries | | January 7, 2003 | Needs Update | Alcohol-Related Injury and Mortality from Motor Vehicle Traffic Collisions | | October 5, 2004 | Needs Update | Suicide Mortality | | November 15, 2012 | | Intentional Self-Harm-Related Hospitalization | | November 15, 2012 | | Suicidal Thoughts and Attempts | | November 15, 2012 | | 5. Behaviour and Health | | | | 5A. Smoking | | | | Smoking Status (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | Smoke-free Homes (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | Non-Smoker Second-Hand Smoke Exposure (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | Minors’ Access to Tobacco (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | Smoking Cessation (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | Smoking Attributable Mortality (FRENCH indicator/ FRENCH reference document) | | June 26, 2009 | | 5B. Alcohol | | | | Alcohol Attributable Hospitalizations Guideline for selected Chronic diseases and Injuries | | Nov 25 2014 | | Underage Alcohol Drinking (FRANÇAIS) | | May 2009 | | Drinking in Excess of the Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines | | August 28, 2013 | | Heavy Drinking Episodes (FRANÇAIS) | | May 14, 2009 | | Drinking and Driving Prevalence (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | 5C. Physical Activity | | | | Leisure-Time Physical Activity (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | Screen Time | | June, 14, 2011 | | 5D. Nutrition and Healthy Weights | | | | Adult Body Mass Index (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | Adolescent Body Mass Index (FRANÇAIS) | | June 29, 2009 | | Vegetable and Fruit Consumption | | November 15, 2010 | | 5E. Ultravioloet Radiation Exposure | | | | Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure (FRANÇAIS) | | June 10, 2009 | | 6. Family Health | | | | 6A. Sexual Health | | | | Youth Sexual Activity | | April 27, 2004 | Needs Update | Age of Sexual Debut | Yes | April 27, 2004 | Needs Update | Number of Sexual Partners | | April 27, 2004 | Needs Update | Frequency of Condom Use among those at Risk for STDs | Yes | April 27, 2004 | Needs Update | Condom Use the Last Time among those at Risk for STDs | | April 27, 2004 | Needs Update | 6B. Reproductive Health | | | | Crude Birth Rate | | January 16, 2013 | | Fertility Rates | | January 16, 2013 | | Total Fertility Rate | | January 16, 2013 | | Pregnancy Rate | | January 16, 2013 | | Preterm Birth Rate | | January 16, 2013 | | Multiple Birth Rate | | January 16, 2013 | | Birth Weights | | January 14, 2014 | | Congenital Anomalies | | January 16, 2013 | | Congenital Infections | | October 29, 2012 | Under Revision | Perinatal Mortality and Stillbirth Rates | | February 22, 2013 | | Neonatal and Infant Mortality Rates | | January 16, 2013 | | Age of Parent at Infant’s Birth | | June 16, 2014 | | Folic Acid Supplementation | | January 16, 2013 | | Smoking During Pregnancy | | January 16, 2013 | | 6C. Child and Adolescent Health | | | | Child and Adolescent Mortality | | June 29, 2004 | Needs Update | Child and Adolescent Hospitalization | Yes | June 29, 2004 | Needs Update | Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration | | July 30, 2004 | Needs Update | deft/DMFT Index | | November 10, 2004 | Needs Update | Caries-free Children | | November 10, 2004 | Needs Update | Children with Dental Treatment Needs | | November 10, 2004 | Needs Update | Fluorosis Index | | November 10, 2004 | Needs Update | Early Childhood Tooth Decay | | November 10, 2004 | Needs Update | 7. Mental Health | | | | Depression Prevalence | | May 31, 2005 | Needs Update | Self-Perceived Work Stress | | May 31, 2005 | Needs Update | Self-Perceived Life Stress | | May 30, 2005 | Needs Update | 8. Infectious Diseases | | | | Infectious Disease Mortality | | Nov. 25, 2008 | | Infectious Disease Incidence | | Dec. 9, 2008 | | Childhood Vaccination Coverage | | March 16, 2009 | | Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates Among Long-Term Care Facility Residents | | January 13, 2009 | | Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Staff at Long-Term Care Facilities and Hospitals | | January, 2009 | | Adverse Events Following Immunization | | March 2009 | | Influenza Vaccination | | January 2009 | | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Morbidity | | May 10, 2011 | | Rabies | | April 28, 2009 | | Adult Pneumococcal Vaccination | | January 27, 2009 | | Vaccine Wastage | | January 27, 2009 | | 9. Use of Health Services | | | | Contacts with Medical Doctors | | March 19, 2004 | Needs Update | Visits to Dentist in Past Year | | March 19, 2004 | Needs Update | Regular Medical Doctor | | March 19, 2004 | Needs Update |
1. "Known Issues" are issues with the indicators or resources that have been raised by or brought forward to the Core Indicators Work Group but have not yet been addressed by the group. They are documented in more detail on the Identified Indicator/Resource Issues page. There is a link to this page included under this column for every indicator with an identified issue. 2. "Last Date Revised" refers to the last date that the indicator underwent a complete review. Minor changes may have occurred since this date and will be captured in the "Changes Made" section of each indicator along with a description of the changes made during any complete review. 3. "Under Revision" refers to any indicator which is currently undergoing a complete review either by the Core Indicators Work Group or by one of the current subgroups. Go to the CI Work Group & Sub-group Info page for more information on these groups. "Under Development" refers to a new indicator that is being developed and has not yet been finalized. "Needs Update" refers to indicators which at minimum require updating to reflect the Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS) rather than the Mandatory Health Programs and Services Guidelines (MHPSG) and/or change of data source and analysis checklist, for example to reflect the switch from the Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB) to IntelliHEALTH. Last Date Updated: August 2014 |