10 National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth |
National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) | Original source: Statistics Canada Distributed by: Statistics Canada Suggested citation (see Data Citation Notes): National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth [year], Statistics Canada Data Notes - The National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) is a long-term study of Canadian children that follows their development and well-being from birth to early adulthood. The NLSCY began in 1994 and is jointly conducted by Statistics Canada and Human Resources Development Canada.
- The study is designed to collect information about factors influencing a child's social, emotional and behavioural development and to monitor the impact of these factors on the child's development over time.
- The survey covers a comprehensive range of topics including the health of children, information on their physical development, learning and behaviour as well as data on their social environment (family, friends, schools and communities).
- The NLSCY is designed to follow a representative sample of Canadian children, aged newborn to 11 years, into adulthood, with data collection occurring at two-year intervals.
- The survey involves: interviews with a parent of the child; self-completed questionnaires for children 10 and over; a mail follow-up with the teacher and the school principal; and achievement test.
References and Resources - Statistics Canada. National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Overview of Survey Instruments for 1998-99 Data Collection - Cycle 3. Ottawa: Ministry of Industry, 1999. Catalogue no. 89FOO78XPE, no. 3.
- Statistics Canada. Growing up with Mom and Dad? The intricate family life courses of Canadian children. Ottawa: Ministry of Industry, 1998. Catalogue no. 89-566-XIE
- National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. URL: http://www.statcan.ca/cgi-bin/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=4450&lang=en&db=imdb&dbg=f&adm=8&dis=2
| This page last updated: January 7, 2003 |