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3 Potential Years of Life Lost (75)
Description | Specific Indicators | Corresponding Mandatory Objectives | Corresponding National Indicators | Data Sources |  Alternative Data Sources | ICD Codes | Analysis Check List | Method of Calculation |  Basic Categories | Indicator Comments | Cross-References to Other Sections | References  

Ratio for a given period of the total years of life lost before age 75 to the total population under 75 by ICD chapter (per 1,000).

Specific Indicators
  • Potential Years of Life Lost [75], PYLL [75]

Corresponding Mandatory Objectives

  • None

Corresponding National Indicators

Data Sources (see Resources: Data Sources)

Numerator: Mortality Data
Original source: Ontario Office of Registrar General (ORG)
Distributed by:

  1. Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB), Health Planning Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
  2. Health Planning System (HELPS), Public Health Branch, Ontario MOHLTC

Suggested citation (see Data Citation Notes):

  1. Ontario Mortality Data [years], Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB) Extracted: [date], Health Planning Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
  2. Ontario Mortality Database [years], HELPS (Health Planning System) Release: [date], Public Health Branch, Ontario MOHLTC

Denominator: Population Estimates
Original source: Statistics Canada
Distributed by:

  1. Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB), Health Planning Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
  2. Health Planning System (HELPS), Public Health Branch, Ontario MOHLTC

Suggested citation (see Data Citation Notes):

  1. Population Estimates [years]*, Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB) Extracted: [date], Health Planning Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
  2. Population Estimates [years]*, HELPS (Health Planning System) Release: [date], Public Health Branch, Ontario MOHLTC

* Note: Use the total years of the estimates, including the most recent year, even if not all were used in the analysis. The years used in the analysis should be included in the report itself.


Alternative Data Sources

  • Statistics Canada, Health Indicators

ICD Codes  

Chapter  Chapter Title  ICD Codes


Infectious and Parasitic Diseases  001-139
II   Neoplasms 140-239
III  Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders 240-279
IV  Diseases of Blood and Blood Forming Organs 280-289
V   Mental Disorders 290-319
VI   Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 320-389
VII   Diseases of the Circulatory System Cardiovascular Disease 390-459
VIII  Diseases of the Respiratory System  460-519
IX   Diseases of the Digestive System 520-579
X   Disease of the Genitourinary System 580-629
XI   Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium 630-676
XII   Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 680-709
XIII  Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue  710-739
XIV  Congenital Anomalies  740-759
XV  Certain Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period  760-779
XVI   Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 780-799
XVII   Injury and Poisoning 800-999
Supp  External Causes of Injury and Poisoning  E800-E999


Certain infectious and parasitic diseases  A00–B99
II   Neoplasms C00–D49
III   Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism D50–D59
IV   Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases E00–E99
V   Mental and behavioural disorders F00–F99
VI   Diseases of the nervous system G00–G99
VII  Diseases of the eye and adnexa  H00–H59
VIII  Diseases of the ear and mastoid process  H60–H99
IX  Diseases of the circulatory system  I00–I99
Diseases of the respiratory system  J00–J99
XI   Diseases of the digestive system K00–K99
XII   Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue L00–L99
XIII   Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue M00–M99
XIV  Diseases of the genitourinary system  N00–N99
XV  Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  O00–O99
XVI   Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period P00–P99
XVII  Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities  Q00–Q99
XVIII   Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified R00–R99
XIX   Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes S00–T99
XX  External causes of morbidity and mortality  V00–Y99

Analysis Check List

  • Suppress numbers <5 or rates and proportions based on counts less than 5.
  • If small numbers are an issue multiple years of data may be summed in the numerator to create a more stable rate. In this case, be sure to sum an equal number of years of population data for the denominator or divide by the number of years of data used.
  • For HELPS:
    • Caution against using “Leading Cause” variable since it is not inclusive.
    • Ontario residents who died outside of the province were included in HELPS from 1981 to 1992 but have been excluded since 1993. This particularly affects areas bordering Quebec and Manitoba. Exclude the out-of-province deaths for both local and provincial analysis.
  • For PHPDB:
    • Use Deaths table from Vital Statistics section of model, use Count All function under Query/Modifiers tabs.
    • Out-of-province residents who died in Ontario are excluded in HELPS but are included in the PHPDB total counts. Exclude deaths out-of-province residents from analysis if using the PHPDB.
    • Select on geography of “Where Deceased Lived” (geography could be postal code, postal code FSA, province, county-municipality, county, region, district health council or public health unit) using geography code not geography name. If geography code is not known, “Prompts” can be used or codes can be looked up in “Geo Names” Code Table. Geography of “Where Death Occurred” can also be selected if desired.
    • In mortality data, ICD-9 codes 800-999 refer to the External Causes of Injury and Poisoning codes (e-codes) unlike in hospital data where these codes refer to the Chapter XVII, Injury and Poisoning codes. In the morality data set, Injury and Poisoning codes can be accessed from the “Nature of Injury” attribute/variable.

Method of Calculation

PYLL (see Resources: PYLL [75] Calculation):

sum of differences between age at death and 75 for all deaths in a given year by ICD chapter

    x 1,000

total population aged 0-74 estimated in that year 

Basic Categories

  • Sex: male, female and total.
  • Geographic areas of residence of deceased: health planning region, public health unit, district health council, county from PHPDB or census division from HELPS, municipality from PHPDB or census sub-division from HELPS, forward sortation area (1996 onward) and postal code (1996 onward).
  • ICD Chapters

Indicator Comments

  • PYLL is an indicator of premature mortality. It represents the number of years not lived by an individual from birth to age 75. This indicator places more weight on causes of early death than those causes of death at older ages.
  • The choice of an upper age limit (e.g. 75) can vary according to changes in life expectancy and/or reporting conventions.

Cross-References to Other Sections

  • None


  1. Wong C. Leading causes of death, Ontario 1996 - Measured by incidence of deaths, potential years of life lost, and period expected years of life lost. PHERO 1999;10(8):160-3.


Date of Last Revision: June 1, 2006 .

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