10 Digital Assessment Parcel Fabric (DAPF) Data |
Resource Currently Under Development
| Digital Assessment Parcel Fabric (DAPF)(1) Original Source: Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Distributed by: Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Metadata URL: http://www.mpac.ca/municipalities/assessment_maps_op.asp Use: Calculation of the Land Use Mix value Suggested citation (see Data Citation Notes): Digital Assessment Parcel Fabric [month, year], Extracted: [date] | The Digital Assessment Parcel Fabric (DAPF) is a spatial and tabular product representing Ontario assessment parcel data. This spatial dataset is one of four datasets contained within the Ontario Parcel database. Collectively, Ontario Parcel is a multi-stakeholder agreement between the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) and Teranet Enterprises Inc., initiated to centralize land parcel geometry and related content into a standardized database called the Ontario Parcel database. In addition, the Ontario Parcel database also retains Ownership and Crown parcel layers. For the purposes of the Land Use Mix (LUM) index, only the Assessment Parcel layer is used in conjunction with the appropriate property code variable. Assessment parcel data can be obtained through either the MNR via Land Information Ontario (LIO) to most government agencies (no cost) or through Teranet Enterprises Inc or the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for an annual subscription fee. A distinction must be made however, that since the derivation of the LUM depends on the property code type it was determined that only users who acquire the DAPF through Teranet/MPAC (at cost), are given access to these assessment variables. According to the published Warehouse Data Class Description report, DAPF data obtained through Land Information Ontario does not contain this level of attribute information. Potential users of this data are encouraged to review the references and resources section of this document for additional information. | Data Notes - This information is most valuable at the neighbourhood level i.e. Generally speaking, when not using this indicator for a specific site, municipal planning district should be used to collect data at neighbourhood level. In addition, data can be collected for the purposes of assessment of a nodal area or a major corridor (transportation or utility) within a municipal jurisdiction.
- It is not clear how to handle mixed use designation. Since it is already ‘mixed' it does not seem appropriate to include as one of the land use types. An additional challenge is that there can be a more than one type of land use on one parcel but it is designated by one code. In MPAC data there is a primary record as well as subordinate records. The primary record has the parcel code, however a property can have different attributes ie. a commercial property can have more than one type of retail on the main floor and apartments in the upper floors. In this case a dwelling unit code or unit class is indicated by what shows up on the subordinate records but not the primary record.
- The manner in which the built environment impacts health outcomes is complex and varied, since human behaviour is influenced by multiple factors.
- The value of an individual indicator is strengthened when considered in combination with other built environment indicators. A range of built environment indicators, such as population density, proximity to community focal point, land use mix and job density can be used to better appreciate the relationships among the built environment, health outcomes, and health behaviours within your region.
- Review of both the ‘Proportion of specific land use' and ‘Land Use Mix' indicators should be done simultaneously to clarify the types and number of land uses as well as the number of parcels that are contributing to the ratio. Appendix A provides five example neighbourhoods. Note that Area 3 and Area 4 have similar LUM indices but each has a very different feel for a pedestrian.
- The Land Use Mix Ratio is should only be used in urban areas.
- The types of land use included in the ratio are dependent on the needs of the health unit and project. For comparison across areas, the same number and types of land uses should be used.
- MPAC was chosen because property codes are uniform and data is available at all municipalities.
- With more detailed data, not readily available at the health unit level, square footage of building space can be used as the measure of area in the calculation. This allows for separation of different types of use within a building as well as across different properties. This may be necessary for handling parcels of mixed use designation.
- The geographic level of analysis will depend on the specific needs of the health unit and project but the information is most valuable at the neighbourhood level. There will be different implications based on the boundary type selected. The examples in Appendix B illustrate differences in LUM score when calculating the neighbourhood using the dissemination area, census tract and network buffer.
| Cited References | - Municipal Properties Assessment Corporation (MPAC) [homepage on the Internet]. Pickering: MPAC; c2012 [updated 2012 Dec 6; cited 2012 Dec 7]. Available from: http://www.mpac.on.ca/.
| Other References | | Date of Last Revision: December 7, 2012 |