3 Rate of Days of Hospitalization |
Description | Specific Indicators | Corresponding Mandatory Objectives | Corresponding National Indicators | Data Sources | Alternative Data Sources | ICD Codes | Analysis Check List | Method of Calculation | Basic Categories | Indicator Comments | Cross-References to Other Sections | References Description Annual (by fiscal or calendar year) number of in-patient hospitalization days by ICD Chapter relative to the total population (per 100,000). | Specific Indicators | - Rate of days of hospitalization
Corresponding Mandatory Objectives | Corresponding National Indicators | Data Sources (see Resources: Data Sources) Numerator: Hospitalization Original source: Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Distributed by: Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB), Health Planning Branch, Ontario MOHLTC Suggested citation (see Data Citation Notes): Hospital [In-Patient and/or Day Surgeries] Data [years], Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB) Extracted: [date], Health Planning Branch, Ontario MOHLTC Note: specify in the report whether in-patient discharges or day procedures or both Denominator: Population Estimates Original source: Statistics Canada Distributed by: - Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB), Health Planning Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
- Health Planning System (HELPS), Public Health Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
| Suggested citation (see Data Citation Notes): - Population Estimates [years]*, Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB) Extracted: [date], Health Planning Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
- Population Estimates [years]*, HELPS (Health Planning System) Release: [date], Public Health Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
| * Note: Use the total years of the estimates, including the most recent year, even if not all were used in the analysis. The years used in the analysis should be included in the report itself. ICD Codes Chapter | Chapter Title | ICD Codes | ICD-9 | I | Infectious and Parasitic Diseases | 001-139 | II | Neoplasms | 140-239 | III | Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders | 240-279 | IV | Diseases of Blood and Blood Forming Organs | 280-289 | V | Mental Disorders | 290-319 | VI | Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs | 320-389 | VII | Diseases of the Circulatory System Cardiovascular Disease | 390-459 | VIII | Diseases of the Respiratory System | 460-519 | IX | Diseases of the Digestive System | 520-579 | X | Disease of the Genitourinary System | 580-629 | XI | Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium | 630-676 | XII | Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue | 680-709 | XIII | Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue | 710-739 | XIV | Congenital Anomalies | 740-759 | XV | Certain Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period | 760-779 | XVI | Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions | 780-799 | XVII | Injury and Poisoning | 800-999 | Supp | External Causes of Injury and Poisoning | E800-E999 | ICD-10-CA | I | Certain infectious and parasitic diseases | A00–B99 | II | Neoplasms | C00–D49 | III | Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism | D50–D59 | IV | Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases | E00–E99 | V | Mental and behavioural disorders | F00–F99 | VI | Diseases of the nervous system | G00–G99 | VII | Diseases of the eye and adnexa | H00–H59 | VIII | Diseases of the ear and mastoid process | H60–H99 | IX | Diseases of the circulatory system | I00–I99 | X | Diseases of the respiratory system | J00–J99 | XI | Diseases of the digestive system | K00–K99 | XII | Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue | L00–L99 | XIII | Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue | M00–M99 | XIV | Diseases of the genitourinary system | N00–N99 | XV | Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium | O00–O99 | XVI | Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period | P00–P99 | XVII | Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities | Q00–Q99 | XVIII | Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified | R00–R99 | XIX | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes | S00–T99 | XX | External causes of morbidity and mortality | V00–Y99 | Analysis Check List | - Suppress numbers <5 or rates and proportions based on counts less than 5.
- For PHPDB: use Inpatient Discharges table from Hospital section of model, use Sum function on “Acute Care Length of Stay”, “ALC Length of Stay” or “Total Length of Stay” attribute.
- Select on geography of patient (geography could be postal code, postal code FSA, province, county-municipality, county, region, district health council or public health unit) using geography code not geography name. If geography code is not known, “Prompts” can be used or codes can be looked up in “Geo Names” Code Table. Institution geography can also be selected by linking to “Institution #” table.
- In hospital data, ICD-9 codes 800-999 refer to the Injury and Poisoning codes whereas these codes in the mortality data set refer to External Causes of Injury and Poisoning codes (e-codes). E-codes can be accessed by linking to the “External Causes” table but problems with double counting can be encountered.
Method of Calculation annual # of hospitalization days for specific ICD chapter | x 100,000 | | total population | Basic Categories | - Age groups: 0-9, 10-19, 20-44, 45-64, 65-74, 75+
- Sex: male, female
- Geographic areas of patient residence: health planning region, public health unit, district health council, county, municipality, forward sortation area (FSA) or postal code.
- ICD Chapter
- Acute Days, Alternative Level of Care (ALC) Days, Total Days
Indicator Comments | - The rate of days is strongly correlated with number of available hospital beds and is also affected by other factors not related to health status (availability of home care services, characteristics of physician/hospital, time of year, etc).
- Hospitalizations in psychiatric hospitals are excluded.
Definitions Alternative Level of Care (ALC) – An ALC patient is one who does not require acute care treatment, but is occupying an acute care bed while awaiting placement. The patient is classified as ALC when the physician gives an order to change the patient's status to "Medically Discharged". Cross-References to Other Sections | References | - Goel V, Iron K, Williams JI. Indicators of health determinants and health status. In: Goel V, Williams JI, Anderson GM, Blackstien-Hirsch P, Fooks C, Naylor CD, editors. Patterns of Health Care in Ontario. The ICES Practice Atlas, 2nd edition. Ottawa: Canadian Medical Association; 1996. p. 5-26.
- Canadian Institute for Health Information. Abstracting Manual. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Institute for Health Information, 1995.
- Williams JI, Young W. A summary of studies on the quality of health care administrative databases in Canada (Appendix 1). In: Goel V, Williams JI, Anderson GM, Blackstien-Hirsch P, Fooks C, Naylor CD, editors. Patterns of Health Care in Ontario. The ICES Practice Atlas, 2nd edition. Ottawa: Canadian Medical Association; 1996. p. 339-45.
Date of Last Revision:January 22, 2003.
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