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10 The 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Cycle 1.2 Mental Health and Well-Being

The 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Cycle 1.2 Mental Health and Well-Being

Original source: Statistics Canada
Distributed by:
1. Knowledge Management and Reporting Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
2. Statistics Canada
Suggested citation (see Data Citation Notes):
1. Canadian Community Health Survey [2002], Statistics Canada, Ontario Share File, Knowledge Management and Reporting Branch, Ontario MOHLTC
2. Canadian Community Health Survey [2002], Statistics Canada, Public Use Microdata File, Statistics Canada

Data Notes

  • The CCHS, Cycle 1.2 is a national/provincial level survey designed to provide reliable, comparable and comprehensive data on selected mental conditions.
  • Cycle 1.2 was conducted from May to December 2002.
  • Prior to data collection, the province of Ontario provided extra funds so a larger sample of dwellings could be selected. With a larger sample size, it is possible to get sufficient sample size to provide reliable estimates for the seven sub-provincial health planning regions. Ontario added about 7,700 sampling units to make the total completed sample size for Ontario13,184 respondents on the master/public use files and 12,376 on the share file.
  • The number of respondents by health planning region is shown below:
    Planning Region Respondents
      Public Use File Share File
    South West 1,782 1,708
    Central South 1,675 1,589
    Central West 2,035 1,902
    Central East 1,947 1,865
    Toronto 2,142 1,914
    East 1,783 1,660
    North 1,820 1,738
    Ontario 13,184 12,376
  • The target population was Canadians 15 years of age and older who were living in private dwellings. Residents of the three territories, institutions, Indian reserves and Crown lands, a few remote lands and full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces were excluded from the sampling frame. The frame also excluded individuals who did not have a residence anywhere (i.e., the homeless).
  • Sample units were selected from the area frame that was created for the Labour Force Survey. Participants were interviewed using the CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) method. In selected dwellings, one household member was asked to give demographic information about all residents of the dwelling, then one resident aged 15 years of age or older was randomly selected for an in-depth interview. The probability of selection was defined as a function of the household composition. The selection of respondents was designed to ensure that individuals 15-24 years old and individuals 65 years of age and older were over-represented.
  • Every effort was made to conduct the interview face to face. Across the country, 14% of cases were completed by telephone across the country, with slightly higher rates in Ontario. Proxy interviews were not permitted.
  • The Ontario response rate was 73.4%. Response rates varied across the seven geographical regions:
    Region Household Level
    Response Rate %
    Person Level
    Response Rate %
    Response Rate %
    Health Regions in Ontario South West 85.7 90.1 77.2
    Central South 84.3 86.3 72.8
    Central West 83.9 88.3 74.1
    Central East 86.1 86.2 74.3
    Toronto 76.4 83.0 63.4
    East 85.4 90.8 77.6
    North 87.5 90.4 79.1
    Ontario 83.7 87.7 73.4
    Canada 86.5 89.0 77.0
  • Due to the sampling techniques used, the CCHS, cycle 1.2 requires that sampling weights be used when tabulating data.
  • Exact variance and coefficient of variations (CVs) of estimates produced from the data are calculated using the bootstrap method.
  • Data may be subject to recall bias and social desirability bias.
  • The CCHS Cycle 1.2 was the first ever national survey on mental health. The survey was developed in response to data gaps from research, consumer and policy perspectives. The objectives of the survey were to determine prevalence rates of selected mental disorders, to assess the burden that these mental disorders create and to assess mental health service utilization with respect to perceived needs.
  • The survey assessed five mental health disorders - major depression, mania disorder, panic disorder, social phobia and agoraphobia, as well as alcohol and illicit drug dependence. Information was also collected on well-being and correlates of mental health such as spirituality, physical activity, use of health care resources and the use of medication. Socio-demographic information was also collected.
  • The survey content and the calculation of the final derived variables were based on the World Mental Health Survey initiative (WMH2000). The WMH2000 uses a lay-administered instrument based on the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). The CIDI measures disorders according to the definitions of an international classification system called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
  • To be selected for the survey content, the mental health disorder or problem had to meet the following criteria:
    • Had an estimated 12 month prevalence of at least 1% (this was based on regional or comparable national surveys in other countries),
    • Be measurable through the use of an already-tested and validated instrument,
    • Be amenable to intervention.

References and Resources

  1. Beland Y. Canadian Community Health Survey – Methodological Overview. Health Reports 2002;13(3):9-14.
  2. Statistics Canada. Population Health Surveys
This page last updated: May 10, 2006
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