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10 Retired Core Indicators



Date Retired

Therapeutic Abortions indicatorInformation from this indicator was moved into the Pregnancy Rate indicator because therapeutic abortions are generally analyzed within this context and not reported separately except in internal reports.
January 2012
Infectious Disease Hospitalization/Morbidity indicatorThis indicator was not routinely used by public health epidemiologists to measure infectious disease morbidity and it is challenging to determine an inclusive list of appropriate ICD-10 codes.
July 2010
Cancer Hospitalization indicatorThis indicator is more relevant to health care system performance and utilization than to public health.
August 2009
Clinical Breast Exams indicatorThe Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care does not address Clinical Breast Exams.  There is minimal research on its effectiveness, mostly on mammography vs. mammography plus Clinical Breast Exams.  There is not enough evidence at this time to support it as an indicator.
Physical Activity Frequency indicatorThe Physical Activity Frequency indicator was only used to calculate the physical activity index for Leisure-Time Physical Activity and was not used in the field.

Date of Last Revision: January 27, 2012

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